Volunteer on a Kibbutz | Olive Harvest | Kibbutz Gezer Volunteer

Kibbutz Gezer

If you are looking to volunteer on a kibbutz, you may be able to find a volunteering opportunity at the Kibbutz Gezer olives groves.

Kibbutz Gezer is a kibbutz of about 400 people, located in Israel between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The olives grown for Gezer Olive oil are grown organically and sustainably, without any chemical fertilisers, pesticides or herbicides. The olives are cold-pressed at a local olive press and bottled on Kibbutz Gezer. They also produce olive oil soap and pickled eating olives.

The work is done by kibbutz folk, both members and their offspring, as well as friends and volunteers who come for the experience. This is not by chance. In spite of all the changes in kibbutz society (and Israel as a whole), Kibbutz Gezer still maintains some of the ideals that were the mainstay of kibbutz ideology. For instance, at Kibbutz Gezer there is still the belief in the importance of self-labor and maintaining a connection with the land. Just as important, there is a strong focus on avoiding the exploitation of others, especially those from foreign lands who have limited rights and little power to claim what is due to them.

Olive picking begins around October 15th, and runs til early December. In a nutshell, volunteering on the kibbutz entails spreading long tarps under the olive trees and raking the olives off at a steady pace. When all the olives are off, they are shaken into a pile, boxed up and the whole process starts over. At the end of the day the boxes are piled on a wagon and sent on their way.

This type of volunteering on a kibbutz doesn’t require strength, but rather being able to keep working at a steady pace in the outdoors all day and to keep up a steady and somewhat witty conversation with everyone else. The more limber may also be needed to climb trees and saw down tall branches that can’t be reached. From the experience of volunteers from years past, it is challenging but quite fun.

Volunteers are expected to work for 6-61/2 hours a day, 5 days a week. Breakfast is eaten together in the olive grove. Once in a while volunteers will be asked to help load the truck, go to the press or some other extra work.

When the harvest ends, there’s a big olive party.

Sometimes its a bit hot (until mid- November), sometimes a bit rainy and cold (December). But in general quite nice weather that time of year. It’s important that the volunteer on a kibbutz gets along in group situations.

You get a room to share with someone else in a big building with a shared kitchen, sitting room, showers and toilets. Volunteers also get credit in the kibbutz store. You can buy food and stuff , enough to cover living expenses while on Kibbutz Gezer.

You will need to bring sturdy work shoes and pants. Also recommended is a hat and sunglasses. There’s a place for used clothes which you can take from, especially lots of T shirts.

As a volunteer on a kibbutz, you also must come with health insurance to cover you while at Kibbutz Gezer.

The crew varies from 4 to 10 people, mostly volunteers/wwoofers but also kibbutz members, especially on weekends.

Gezer is located between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, so there’s pretty easy access to both by bus as well. Kibbutz Gezer is also a 45 minute walk from Tel Gezer, a famous archaeological site and national park.

Kibbutz Gezer is a friendly community, with friendly people. Some will invite you for coffee or a meal, and are most interested in meeting new people.

Would you like to volunteer on a kibbutz? Read this »

Photo: Kibbutz Gezer Olives – Volunteer on a Kibbutz


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