Kibbutz Regavim is located in the north of the country near Pardes Hanna-Karkur. Road 6 passes near Kibbutz Regavim, but in the absence of an interchange, vehicles “fly by” the kibbutz without noticing it. The birds, on the other hand, that don’t depend on interchanges and lanes, reach Kibbutz Regavim en masse and have even made the kibbutz their home, thanks to the warm welcome they’ve received from the locals and the many nesting boxes they’ve put up in their yards.

Visit Kibbutz Regavim

Kibbutz Regavim (Regavim means clods of earth), whose name also symbolizes its connection to the land, is surrounded by nature reserves – in the east is Ramot Menashe, in the north of Mount Horshen, in the west is the Nadiv Valley and south of Kibbutz Regavim is the Alonim Forest. And in Kibbutz Regavim, if you take a detour from the main road, you will discover a human nature reserve, a hidden gem and a community that is connected not only to itself and its land, but also to the spirit of art and creation.

The offices of the old plastic factory of Kibbutz Regavim have become an alternative therapy treatment complex where local therapists offer a variety of alternative treatments. The kitchen of the old dining room ha become a dairy kitchen, a community project where the locals produce cheese for local consumption. The milk for the cheeses is produced from the kibbutz’s dairy farm and from some goats.

The old landfill hill in Kibbutz Regavim has also become a park and meeting place with a beautiful observation point and environmental tours are held. In the spirit of the environment and connection to nature, the kibbutz also set up a “Look for the tree” navigation route, like a “tree hunt” with barcodes at the base of trees that lead you to the next tree and through the kibbutz/

Along with the birds, quite a few artists also “nest” and create in studios throughout the kibbutz. Among them you will find the multidisciplinary artist and art lecturer whose works have been exhibited around the world, Avivit Ballas Baranes Art Studio. Also, don’t miss the inspiring works of painter and sculptor Simon Wasserstein and especially the wooden replicas of a variety of weapons and figures from tin cans.

The kibbutz has an an open-air museum with sculptures by local artist Roland Burns. Irit’s Second Hand Store is also a kind of museum with vintage items for sale. In the center of the kibbutz you will find a Swedish building, Regavim’s first baby house, which was renovated and preserved under the direction of architect Liat Burns, and is the only one that survived out of 9 such buildings that came from Sweden dismantled and in parts (in the IKEA spirit of the 1950s).

And finally, you’ll be able to enjoy the local delicacies of the Hummus Hanoded Food Truck. By the way, a well-known coffee blend in Israel is the “Regavim Coffee” blend. The founders of the kibbutz, some of whom came from Italy, searched for and found the “dark” and strong taste that characterizes deep-roasted coffee. Although many of the residents today consume Regavim coffee, beyond the name and local pride, there is no business connection with the commercial brand.

Photos: Kibbutz Regavim


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