Kibbutz Maale Hahamisha, established as part of the Tower and Stockade settlements, is located at the top of one of the highest peaks in the Jerusalem mountains and is surrounded by spectacular mountain views. The kibbutz was established by the “Maale” group of the Gordonia movement, hence the “Maaleh” and the “Hamisha” (which means five in Hebrew) are the five members of the founding group who were murdered in 1937 during the construction of a road in vicinity of the kibbutz.

During the War of Independence, the kibbutz served as the base for the “Portzim” battalion, the Palmach fighters from the Harel Brigade.

Visit Kibbutz Maale Hahamisha

The members of Kibbutz Maale Hahamisha quickly realized that the good air, the great view and the unique atmosphere are a treasure and established a convalescent home, which was later called a relaxation house and later a guest house and hotel. The hospitality tradition of Kibbutz Maale Hahamisha deepened and strengthened. Today, the kibbutz’s main economic branch is a the Yaarim Hotel, and next to it is a boutique hotel called the Gordonia Hotel

Other industries include a dairy farm (the last one left in the mountain area), field crops, and an orchid greenhouse where, since 1970, special varieties of orchids have been grown. You can enjoy the special greenhouse atmosphere at the Orchid Greenhouse Cafe.

The kibbutz also has the Balgula Pub and the Maale Hahamisha Museum, where there is a charming collection of clothes and objects from the past. And another sweet detail – in 1964 the “Carmit” candy and sweets factory was established on the kibbutz, which must have been a great pleasure for the kibbutz children (in 1992 the factory was sold to Ossem, one of the largest food manufacturers and distributors in Israel).

Photos: Kibbutz Maale HaHamisha


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