Darma Bar | Kibbutz Hagoshrim Food, Nightlife

Kibbutz HaGoshrim

For over two decades, Darma Bar has been one of the most prominent bars in the northern scene. The venue offers a wide range of performances, open stage evenings, Latin parties, hip-hop parties and even acting and circus lessons.

The bar is located at the foot of a creek and has a huge courtyard which is used for concerts and evenings of beer and sitting with friends. The place serves Goldstar, Heineken, Pawloner, Maccabi, Malka and Budweiser from the barrel, and its dining menu includes the famous standard kebab burger, and even a variety of vegan dishes.

What really sets Darma apart is the wonderfully fun-filled playroom that is free, and features a billiard complex, foosball and other surprises.

Darma Bar is open every evening except Sundays. On weekdays doors open at 21:00 and on Friday/Holidays at 22:00

Photos: Darma Bar



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