Kibbutz Gat is located in the south of the country near the city of Gat. Talent is part of the game at Kibbutz Gat. You can call it “Gat Talent”… With all info on this site about kibbutzim, community, agriculture, dairy farms, chicken coops, field crops – on Kibbutz Gat we’ll take a break and enjoy Israel’s most popular game – soccer.

Meet FC Kibbutz Gat, the “Black Squadron”, the top team in the regional soccer league. The South Americans who came to the kibbutz brought with them the passion for the game, and in its previous incarnation the mythological FC Gat was one of the first soccer teams among the kibbutzim of the country.

The team is regularly sponsored by the kibbutz pub called the Itzo Bar, that over the past years has hosted most of Israel’s leading artists.

In addition to sports, Kibbutz Gat has has a dairy farm, an orchard, agriculture and field crops, a partnership in the Ganir juice factory, a vibrant community and many other talents. One of them is Shavit Lev, a literary talent, who publishes short stories about the kibbutz (in Hebrew). If you read Hebrew or trust Google Translate, start with “Barbara“, a short story about a beautiful volunteer, milking on the dairy farm, and the crucial contribution of the children of Kibbutz Gat to finding a vaccine for polio! (A True Story).

Photo: Amos Meron / CC BY-SA


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