ALTO Rural Dairy Farm Attractions, Food, Shops

Kibbutz Shomrat

Located in the heart of a fruit orchard, ALTO’s Dairy Farm is designed as a boutique store offering a large variety of exclusive goat milk cheeses, wines, olive oil and other superb Western Galilee products.

There is also a Coffee-Bar Restaurant with a large viewing window to the cheese making production hall.

ALTO’s Dairy farm specializes in distinct hard goat cheeses and its line of products comprising over 15 kinds of cheeses textures and flavors: matured cheeses, fresh cheeses and none-sour thick yogurts.

ALTO’s Visitors’ center offers you and unique and authentic experience, including a guided tour of the dairy farm and the goat cheese making process. All tours need to be pre-scheduled and charge small fee.

Photo: Alto Rural Dairy Farm



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